The adjustment controls are located in the column on the right of the screen. Finally, click on Tools > Spotting Tools to finish. Once you’re happy, tap the ‘Relative Position’ box again and adjust the brush size and softness before painting over the offending article. For the best results, select the ‘Copy’ brush then click on the ‘Relative Position’ box and drag the centres of the sample and copy circles to suitable areas. If necessary, use the magnification controls at the bottom left of the box to zoom in or out. Select Tools > Spotting Tools to open a box showing a section of the image, the area is also marked on the main preview and you can drag it to the location you want to work on.

Clean it upĭust marks and unwanted objects are inevitable, but Panasonic Silkypix Developer Studio SE makes it easy to edit them out of your images. After you’ve rated your images you can use View > Filter images to find your favourites. Alternatively, select Settings > Shortcut Settings and scroll down to the ‘Set rating’ options and set the keys (for instance, Command+1 etc) that you want to use to set the star ratings quickly.

As you scroll through your images, click on the stars beneath the thumbnail to assign a rating. Simply click on any thumbnail image to get a larger preview. Panasonic Silkypix Developer Studio SE uses your computer’s filing structure and there’s no need to import images into the software, you just need to locate them using the folder organisation column on the left of the screen.As soon as you click on a folder of images, thumbnails appear at the bottom of the screen. Getting started with Panasonic Silkypix Developer Studio SE It has a good blend of easy-to-use one-click tools and more advanced controls, along with the ability to batch-process your shots. Currently on version 8, this has all the tools you need to help you find your favourite images and process your camera’s raw files to get them looking just right before sharing them with the world.
If you don’t want to use a third-party software package like Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom when you buy a Panasonic camera, the solution is to install Panasonic Silkypix Developer Studio SE.